Frederick Tennis Singles Ladder

Spring Ladder Deadline- OPEN (register below for the Spring Ladder – Deadline is 2/27)

A ladder is a great way to meet new people and we welcome players of all levels (2.5-5.0).  If you are high school age or older, you are welcome to register.  Players are grouped into “flights” and they can challenge others to move up.  Once challenged, players have a week to schedule the match.  The full set of rules can be found below.

The spring ladder runs from 3/1-6/1.  The Fall Ladder runs from 9/1-12/1.

Men’s and Women’s Singles Ladder Rules
1. REGISTRATION PROCESS & INITIAL RANKINGS – Register by completing the information below.  A kickoff email is sent to all participants and will have everyone’s contact information in a spreadsheet.  There is a $5 fee for each ladder.
2. RANKINGS – Rankings are based on past results or player’s rating.  Players can be moved up or down to the appropriate flight based on match performance.
3. CHALLENGING – May challenge a player ranked within 4 spots of your ranking. If you win your match you take the place of the person you defeated.
4. IF YOU ARE CHALLENGED – If you are challenged you will receive a call, text, or email from your challenger. You then have two options: 
a. ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE – You have 7 days from time of being challenged to play the match. 
b. DECLINE THE CHALLENGE – Instead of accepting the challenge, you may Decline the Challenge and forfeit the match. This is the option you should choose if you cannot accept the challenge due to illness, vacation, busy schedule, etc. Although you forfeit matches you decline, this process will keep the ladder moving and allow players to participate in more matches. This option is also the default if you do not respond to a challenge within 48 hours.  Please let me know if you are out for extended periods of time, as I can mark you inactive on the spreadsheet.  
c. REMATCH- The winner of the challenge match need not accept another challenge from the match loser for 14 days.
a. 10 GAME PROSET (unless both players agree to a different scoring format) – If Proset score is 10-10, play a 7-Point match tiebreaker to determine the match. Players will spin a racquet or flip a coin to determine the initial serve or side of the court.  If 2 out of 3 sets, I recommend a tie-breaker to 10 points in lieu of a full third set.
b. RULES – The Rules of Tennis will apply to all challenge matches so please become familiar with such rules. These rules may be found at
6. AFTER EVERY MATCH – After every challenge match, the winner must report the score to me by texting me at (203) 668-5993 or emailing me at Report the scores within 24 hours so we can adjust the ladder standings in a timely manner.
7. EQUIPMENT, COURTS  – Each player must bring a new can of balls. The match winner keeps the new can and the match loser keeps the used balls. Both players are responsible for determining the match location (expectation is to play in Frederick County) and paying all required court fees (if applicable).

To register for the singles ladder, please complete the information below: